Homophones for vallar, valor

vallar / valor [ˈvælɜr]

vallar – adj. – 1. pertaining to a rampart; 2. describing a crown or garland given to a soldier who was the first to mount an enemy's rampart; 2. also used to describe certain investments but this is usually capitalized

valor (valour) – n. – bravery

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Valor can be found in all types of human endeavour, whether recognized or not. Vallar also has varying forms  in our modern day and sometimes appears to have weakened the appreciation of the the best of the best by trying to acknowledge the attempts of all. 


Far inferior to this in rank are the mural crown, the vallar, and the golden one, superior though they may be in the value of material; inferior, too, in merit, is the rostrate crown, though ennobled, in recent times more particularly, by two great names, those of M Varro, who was presented with it by Pompeius Magnus, for his great achievement in the Piratic War, and of M. Agrippa, on whom it was bestowed by Ceasar, at the end of the Sicilian War, which was also a war against pirates.

~The Acorn Oak: the Civic Crown in Natural History (no date, translator not given) - Pliny the Elder

... That a vallar-crown or garland, called also castrensis, was of gold, and consisted of palisadoes, or the likeness of them, standing up all about the gold circle, given by the general of the army to him that first broke into a fortified camp of an enemy, or forced any place palisaded after the
~ Hearldry (1816) – Alexander Nisbet

It rather rarefies, and grows more inflammable as the earthly particles diminish; and I have seen valor enough in a little fiery-hearted French dwarf, to have furnished out a tolerable giant.

~Tales of a Traveller (1824) - Washington Irving
