Homophones for light, lite

light / lite [lait]

light – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – 1. of little weight, not heavy; 2. bright, shining, luminous; 3. clean, pure; 4. of a pale colour; 5. kindled, illuminated; adv. – 1. nimbly, quickly, easily; 2. brightly, clearly; n. – 1. rays coming from objects that can be perceived by sight; 2. specific visual sensation in contrast to darkness or blindness; 3. gained awareness or perception; v. – 1. reduce or lessen a weight; 2. relieve, comfort, gladden, cheer; 3. alleviate, become brighter; 4. descend, dismount; 5. settle on a surface; 6. set on fire; 7. shine, illumine

lite – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – 1. few, of a small amount; 2 a commercial product with fewer calories than the regular product; 3. lacking in substance, facile; adv. – to a lesser extent, little; n. – 1. a delay, tardiness; 2. a small amount; 3. lamp, spotlight; v. – 1. expect, wait; 2. rely on, trust