Homophones for lease, leese, lis, lisse

lease / leese / lis / lisse [li:s]

lease – adj., n. & v. – adj. – untrue, false, lying; n. – 1. a pasture or meadowland held in common by the community; 2. a contract between parties giving the one rights to the other’s property for a set period of time, a type of rental agreement; 3. the crossing of warp threads in a loom; 4. falsehood; v. – 1. glean, gather; 2. tell lies; 3. grant possession, rent out; 4. divide yarns into leas in weaving

leese – v. – 1. set free, deliver, unloose; 2. lose under varying circumstances

lis – n. – 1. (Heraldry) a lily thought to be derived from an iris; 2. Irish a circular, earthen wall enclosing a fort, a protected enclosure

lisse – n. & v. – n. – 1. a type of silk gauze; 2. (Weaving) the crossing of warp threads in a loom; v. – 1. subdue, relieve, comfort; 2. mitigate, assuage; 3. abate, cease, stop