Homophones for hold, holed

hold / holed [ˈho:ld]

hold – n. & v. – n. – 1. a grasp; 2. a thing to hold by; 3. a controlling influence over; 4. a pause, delay, postponement; 5. a request ordering or reserving; 6. a legal order preventing use of an account or possession; 7. a cavity in a lower part of a ship or aircraft where cargo is stowed; v. – 1. keep fast, secure, sustain; 2. contain; 3. possess or gain; 4 remain unbroken; 5. observe, celebrate, conduct; 6. keep in a specified condition

holed – v. past tense & past part. of hole – 1. made a hole or holes in; 2. pierced the side; 3. put into a hole; 4. sent into a hole (i.e. in golf)