Homophones for fair, faire, fare, phare

fair / faire / fare / phare [feir]

fair – adj., adv., n. & v. – adj. – 1. just, unbiased, equitable, in accordance with the rules; 2. blond, light or pale in colour or complexion; 3. of only moderate quality or amount – average; 4. of weather – fine and dry; of wind – favourable; 5. beautiful, attractive; 6. complimentary; 7. New Zealand & Australia complete unquestionable; adv. – 1. in a fair manner; 2. exactly, completely; 3. really, thoroughly; n. – 1. a fair thing; 2. a beautiful woman; v. tr. – 1. make a surface smooth and streamlined

faire – adj. & n. – associated with or imitating life in the middle ages

fare – n. & v. – n. – 1. the price a passenger must pay to be conveyed by bus, airplane, etc.; 2. a range of food provided; 3. something presented to the public, especially for entertainment; v. intr. – 1. progress, get on; 2. happen, turn out; 3. Archaic journey, go, travel

phare – n. – 1. a beacon, a light; 2. a channel or strait lit by a lighthouse