Homophones for faint, feint

faint / feint [feint]

faint – adj., n. & v. – adj. – 1. indistinct, pale, dim; 2. (of a person) weak, giddy, inclined to faint; 3. slight, remote, inadequate; 4. feeble, half-hearted; 5. timid; n. – a sudden loss of consciousness; v. intr. – 1. lose consciousness; 2. become faint (note: fainter – one who collapses usually because of loss of consciousness)

feint – n. & v. – n. – 1. a sham move, attack, blow, etc., to divert attention or fool an opponent or enemy; 2. an assumed appearance or pretense; v. intr. – make a feint (note: feinter – one who deceives)