Homophones for cocks, coques, cox

cocks / coques / cox  [kɒks]

cocks – n. pl. & 3rd pres. sing. of cock – n. – 1. a male bird, especially of domestic fowl; a rooster; 2. a male of a lobster or clam; 3. a woodcock; 4. a firing lever in a gun which can be raised to be released by the trigger; 5. a tap or valve controlling flow; 6. a small rounded pile of hay, straw, etc.; 7. (slang) a penis; v. tr. – 1. raise or make upright; 2. turn or move attentively or knowingly; 3. set aslant or turn up the brim; 4. raise the cock of a gun; 5. pile hay, etc., into a small rounded pile

coques – n. pl. of cocque – a loop of ribbon or feathers used in trimming hats

cox – n. & v. – n. – 1. a coxswain, a person who steers, especially in a racing rowboat; 2. a senior petty officer; v. – act as a cox