Homophones for born, borne, bourn(e)

born / borne / bourn(e)  [bɔ:(ə)rn]

born – adj. – 1. existing as a result of birth; 2. being such or likely to become such by natural ability or quality; 3. of certain status by birth; 4. created or caused; brought into existence

borne – v. past. of bear – 1. carry, bring or take; 2. show; be marked by, have as an attribute or characteristic; 3. produce, yield, give birth to; 4. sustain; 5. (usu. with negative or interrogative) tolerate; 6. carry in thought or memory; 7. intr. – veer in a given direction; 8. bring or provide; 9. refl. - behave

bourn(e) – n. – 1. a small stream; 2. archaic – a goal, a destination; 3. a limit; 4. an intermittent stream on chalk downs