Homophones for baring, bearing

baring / bearing [ˈbɛrɪŋ]

baring - n.&v. – n.  – 1. the action of uncovering something; 2. a covering that has been removed; v. 1. uncovering; 2. unsheathing; 3. disclosing; 4. revealing; 5. divesting

barings - n.pl., 3rd person singular, present verb

bearing – adj., n. & v.  – adj. – 1. fruitful, fertile, productive; 2. supportive, upholding; 3. sustaining; n.  – 1. parturition; 2. the action of bearing flowers and fruit; 3. crop; 4. the way a person carries or conducts themselves; 5. the action of carrying; 6. action of giving support of some form; v. – 1. carrying; 2. producing offspring; 3. bringing a specific result

bearings - n.pl., 3rd person singular, present verb