Homophones for
baos, boughs, bouse, bows

baos / boughs / bouse / bows [baʊs]

baos – n.pl. of bao – A sweet or savory filled Chinese steam bun

boughs – n. & v. – n.pl. of bough - 1. branches; 2. animal shoulders, arms, legs; 3. figuratively – sections such as a part of a family or organization; v. – 3rd pres. sing. of bough – removes branches

bouse - n. & v. – n. – 1. lead ore before it has been refined; 2. ethanol; v. get drunk

bows – n. & v. - n.  – 1. nautical, the front end of a boat or ship; v. lower the head or body as a sign or respect or when leaving

Do Not Confuse With bows – n.pl. and 3rd pres. sing. of bow [boʊ / bo:] – n. curved instruments; 2. Decorations made with ties of ribbon or cloth; v. 1. curves for a specific purpose; 2. warps